The Future of Course Development with Create AI

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The future of course development is here, and you can be part of this learning transformation! Gone are the days where you have to research, gather, write, build and create content all on your own. With the help of AI course creation tools, you can now drastically reduce the time spent on creating content from scratch. By leveraging generative AI in your course creation process, you can become more productive and efficient by:

  • Streamlining course creation
  • Providing greater learner opportunities with higher quality content
  • Drive higher engagement from your learners
  • Save time and money

See how Absorb has added generative AI capabilities to the Absorb Create tool to enable course creators and subject matter experts to streamline the course development process. Imagine what you’d be able to do with the ability to generate courses with just a few clicks. Dive into the future of course development with our on-demand demo!

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