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An LMS built for HR teams, prioritize learning and boost employee training

Streamline your people management, provide engaging learning experiences and build a more skilled, engaged, and adaptable workforce. 

An AI-powered LMS that helps you deliver tailored learning experiences at scale 

Get AI-personalized learning for your people

Get AI-personalized learning for your people

Provide upskilling and career development opportunities to all employees with Absorb Skills. Powered by content from the Absorb Amplify Max library, you can cater to the unique needs, interests, and learning preferences of each learner. 

Make data-driven decisions with AI-powered reporting

Make data-driven decisions with AI-powered reporting

Capture all the elements of your learners’ experience via easily configurable and pre-built reports, personalized reporting dashboards, and advanced data visualizations.

Integrate with the tools your team needs

Integrate with the tools your team needs

Ensure learning is embedded in your workflows with turnkey connectors that integrate with HCMs, talent management solutions and business applications.  

A complete learning solution that helps you to deliver business value

Start as you mean to go on 

Building a culture of people-centric learning starts on day one, so make sure you get started on the right foot. Accelerate new hires' time to productivity by standardizing training for company culture, values and compliance requirements, while tailoring relevant departmental and job-specific skills to foster engagement and retention.

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Be ready for an audit at anytime 

HR compliance is more than just checking a box, it’s fundamental to your organizational success. An LMS will automate, deliver, track, and keep a report of all your training, helping you uphold your policies and procedures and minimize your risk. 

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Make an inclusive culture a #1 requirement

DE&I training is an ongoing process to help you foster a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture. With the right customization features you can also tailor content to your specific needs and goals, refreshing content easily to keep your employees up-to-date about your latest DE&I initiatives.

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If people don’t feel growth, they move on

Few enterprises have the skills they need to remain competitive in the next few years. Close the skills gaps in your enterprise with AI-driven, custom learning paths for your team. Align your learners’  career development goals with your business objectives and create an adaptive learning environment that will drive performance, growth and retention.

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Attract, develop, and retain top talent 

Having one centralized platform where you connect employee development, performance management, and succession planning using integrations means HR teams can streamline their workflows. Easily identify areas where employees need additional development to fill skill gaps and meet organizational needs.

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See how these solutions can help your team

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What real customers say

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Absorb administration makes it easy to create content quickly and get it in the hands of those that need the learning.
Matt K, Manager, BoomiVerse
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The administrator interface is very intuitive. When we first trialed Absorb LMS, I knew within 10 minutes that I would not find a better interface.
Gregg A, Enterprise Admin
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Absorb's Admin Experience eases day-to-day operations, and the powerful reporting capabilities give managers visibility to learner performance that helps guide and shape engagement to improve the impact of training.
Timothy S, Verified Enterprise User
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Absorb allows us to automate many pieces of customer and employee onboarding saving time and ensuring consistency.
Erin C, Verified Enterprise User
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Absorb is pivotal in helping our organization unify globally for the first time. It allows us to have a centralized system for reporting, training, and resources maintaining higher standards, version control, and clearer expectations and guidelines.
Melodie S, L&D Specialist, Stealth Monitoring
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The Absorb LMS connection with our HRIS automatically takes care of user management so we don't have to deal with SARS forms and manual admin work.
Kenny L, Sr Employee Development Analyst, The Chamberlain Group

FAQs about Absorb for HR

Why do HR teams love Absorb?

Absorb LMS empowers HR teams to deliver impactful learning experiences. Whether you're aiming to streamline onboarding, boost employee communication, ensure HR compliance, upskill your team, or foster an inclusive DE&I culture, this platform has you covered. Absorb LMS lets you measure the success of your training programs, balance user-friendly learning with efficient administration, and simplify your tech setup—all in one sleek package.

Why should I use an LMS for employee development? 

Absorb LMS organizes your employee development program, making it easier to keep employee skill sets current and can help close skill gaps, while offering career advancement opportunities. You can streamline lessons across departments and locations to ensure your teams learn the right way. Centralized employee development tracking pinpoints qualified candidates for promotion. Absorb LMS excels at all these functions and more. It even includes a mobile app and Single Sign On (SSO) functionality to eliminate barriers to learning.

Can I track learner progress and activity?  

Yes, Absorb LMS allows you to generate customizable reports and configurable dashboards that give you in-depth insights into learning data from a wide array of available metrics and customizable data fields, which can help you make key business decisions. We also offer a healthy set of standard integrations and a Restful API to integrate Absorb into other employee software applications for maximum flexibility.

Ready to see how Absorb can help your HR team?